Database management simplified.

Navicat is the choice of over 3 million database users all around the world. Over 160,000 registered customers across 7 continents and 138 countries have chosen our products.
More than 40% of the Fortune 500 rely on Navicat every day.

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Navicat Products:

Navicat to easily manage the database.

  • Navicat Premium – To manage the 7 databases within a single application:
    MySQL, MariaDB, MongoDB, SQL Server, SQLite, Oracle and PostgreSQL
  • Navicat for MySQL / MariaDB
  • Navicat for SQL Server
  • Navicat for Oracle
  • Navicat for MongoDB
  • Navicat for PostgreSQL
  • Navicat Data Modeler

Navicat Monitor

Monitor and troubleshoot MySQL / MariaDB in real-time.
Get alerts by SMS and Email, you can get our expert support to keep your databases up and running

Navicat Cloud:

Navicat Cloud delivers sync and share solutions that are flexible and secure. You can access your connection settings, queries and models easily with multiple devices and share them easily to support collaboration with your coworkers from anywhere, on any device.